Thu 4-July-2024

US Congress

73 Congress members urge Biden to reverse Trump’s policy on Palestine

A letter from 73 Congress democrats in the US House of Representatives including a number in leadership positions has urged president Joe Biden to make a number of moves to reverse what they call the Trump administration’s departure from “a longstanding bipartisan US policy” on Palestinian-Israeli issues.

Hamas denounces Omar’s equating victim with executioner

Hamas Movement said that the recent statements of Ilhan Omar a member of the US House of Representatives are very surprising as she equated the Palestinian resistance on the one hand with the crimes of the Israeli occupation in Palestine and the American aggression in Afghanistan on the other hand.

Congresswoman slams fatal shooting of Palestinian kid

US Congresswoman Betty McCollum has deplored the fatal shooting of a Palestinian child by Israeli forces in last Friday in the West Bank as a “grotesque state-sponsored killing.”

63 US lawmakers sign letter against demolition of Palestinian homes

A letter signed by 63 members of the US Congress and addressed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on the US administration to work to put an end to the Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Over 100 House Democrats sign letter rejecting Trump’s peace plan

More than 100 House Democrats on Friday signed a letter to US president Trump rejecting his Middle East peace plan (informally known as the deal of the century) saying it would “harm Israelis and Palestinians alike and push them toward further conflict.”

Hamas slams Israeli decision to block congresswomen’s visit

Senior Hamas official Basem Na’eim has strongly denounced the Israeli decision to bar US Congress members Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from visiting the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel blocks visit by Omar Tlaib

Israel has decided to deny entry to Democratic congresswomen Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar ahead of a planned trip to Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Omar: Netanyahu seeks to block two-state solution bill at Congress

US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has accused Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu of trying to get the Congress to scrap a bipartisan — Republican and Democratic — resolution supporting a “two-state solution” to the Mideast conflict.