Sun 8-September-2024

US bias

CNN fires political analyst after criticizing Israel

American Cable News Network (CNN) has severed ties with its political contributor Marc Lamont Hill after he recently delivered a speech at the UN accusing Israel of practicing "state violence and ethnic cleansing" against the Palestinians.

Badran: US decision on Aruri targets the Palestinian leadership

Senior Hamas official Husam Badran has said that the US administration’s labeling of Saleh al-Aruri deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau as a terrorist and its decision to put a price for information about him is aimed at the Palestinian leadership in general.

Haneyya: US decision on Aruri “flagrant aggression”

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has strongly denounced Washington for labeling Hamas official Saleh al-Aruri as a terrorist and seeking information leading to him.

Israel welcomes US withdrawal from Human Rights Council

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the US administration’s withdrawal from membership of the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday over what it labeled as a bias against Israel and a lack of reform.

US vetoes SC resolution on providing protection for Palestinians

The US on Friday voted against a Kuwait-drafted UN Security Council (SC) resolution calling for the protection of Palestinian civilians while being the only country to back its own proposal blaming Hamas for Israel’s mass murders of protesters in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinians call for Friday of Rage over Israel-US violations

Palestinian factions on Monday called for escalating clashes with Israeli occupation forces on Friday and declaring it as a day of anger in protest at the racist US and Israeli policies.

After US withdrawal from UNESCO Israel to follow suit

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered Israeli diplomats to prepare Israel’s withdrawal from the UNESCO in concert with Washington which announced its decision to pull out of the agency.

US decides to withdraw from UNESCO citing anti-Israel bias

The US has decided to withdraw from the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) accusing the body of "being biased against Israel.”

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