Mon 16-September-2024

Umm al-Hiran

Israel resumes construction of Jewish settlement in Negev

The Israeli authorities resumed digging and bulldozing operations on Tuesday morning in the Palestinian village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev desert for the second consecutive day as a prelude to building a Jewish settlement.

Probe against Israeli cops who assaulted Palestinian lawmaker dropped

Israel’s Justice Ministry unit that investigates police misconduct has recommended that the cases against the policemen involved in the 2017 assault on Joint List chairman MK Ayman Odeh in Umm al-Hiran be closed.

Hundreds rally pray in Umm Hiran village

Hundreds of Palestinians rallied and observed the Friday khutba (sermon) and prayer in the Negev village of Umm al-Hiran whose residents are threatened with displacement in order to build a Jewish-only town.

Israeli police raid Umm al-Hiran surround donated homes

Israeli police raided Wednesday morning the Palestinian-Bedouin village of Umm al Hiran in the Negev and surrounded two donated homes as a prelude to demolish them.

Vigil in Nablus city in solidarity with Um al-Hiran village

Dozens of Palestinians in Nablus city on Monday participated in a vigil in solidarity with Um al-Hiran village in the Negev which has been languishing under Israeli violations including home demolition and displacing of residents.

Israeli police forces break into Umm al-Hiran

Israeli police forces broke into the unrecognized Palestinian village in the Negev Umm al-Hiran on Sunday and besieged newly erected caravans in a prelude to confiscating them.

Campaign to rebuild Umm al-Hiran homes demolished by Israeli forces

Palestinians living in 1948 Occupied Palestine started the reconstruction of the unrecognized Umm al-Hiran village days after the Israeli forces knocked down the village and killed a Palestinian resident.

Hundreds participate in Abu al-Qiaan funeral in Umm al-Hiran

Hundreds of Palestinian citizens in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories attended on Tuesday the funeral of Yaqoub Abu al-Qiaan 47 in Umm al-Hiran village in the Negev.

Car parade over Israel’s swelling terrorism against Palestinians

A car parade is expected to kick off Monday in 1948 Occupied Palestine in response to Israel’s simmering terrorism in the unrecognized Umm al-Hiran village in the Negev.

Umm Al-Hiran Freud and the Zionists’ Original Sin

Very few had seen the massacring of Palestinians the destruction of Palestine and the expulsion of Palestinians en masse in 1948.