Thu 19-September-2024

Vehicular attack

Israeli jeep runs over injures Palestinian kid in W. Bank village

A Palestinian child suffered injuries on Wednsday evening when an Israeli military jeep ran him over in Zububa village west of Jenin in the occupied West Bank.

Settler runs over Palestinian woman her kid in southern Nablus

A Jewish settler driving at high speed ran over a Palestinian woman and her child on Sunday evening and injured them on a road in Huwara town south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian shepherd survives as settler runs over sheep in al-Khalil

A Palestinian shepherd survived on Sunday evening when a Jewish settler rammed his car into a herd of sheep in an area near Yatta town in southern al-Khalil south of the occupied West Bank.

Two settlers injured in alleged car-ramming attack in W. Bank

Two Jewish settlers were injured in a car-ramming attack that took place on Friday afternoon in the illegal settlement of Gush Etzion in the Occupied West Bank according to Israeli media reports.

Five Israeli soldiers wounded in vehicular attack near Jerusalem

Five Israeli soldiers were injured when a speeding car ran them over on Saturday night at a military checkpoint near Hizma town northeast of Occupied Jerusalem.

Israel army vehicle runs over Palestinian teens south of Jenin

Two Palestinian teenagers suffered injuries on Monday evening after an Israeli military vehicle ran them over in Qabatiya town south of Jenin.

Settler kills Palestinian woman in vehicular attack in Bethlehem

A Jewish settler driving a heavy truck ran over a Palestinian lady and killed her on a road in Teqoa town in Bethlehem on Thursday morning.

Palestinian injured in hit-and-run attack by settler

A Jewish settler driving at a high speed on Monday deliberately ran over a Palestinian citizens working for al-Khalil Reconstruction Committee in the Old City of al-Khalil.

Settler tries to run over Palestinian shepherd kills sheep

A Jewish settler driving at high speed on Wednesday evening hit a herd of sheep killing some of them after he tried to run over their owner on a road in a West Bank area south of al-Khalil.

Soldiers fire at Palestinian car after alleged attempt to ram them

The Israeli occupation army has claimed a bunch of its soldiers escaped an attempt to run them over by a Palestinian driver at dawn Sunday during their presence in Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem northwest of the West Bank.