Tue 2-July-2024


Rep. Omar leads a campaign to boycott Herzogs address to Congress

US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is leading a campaign to boycott a joint session of Congress for an address by Israeli President Isaac Herzog next Wednesday.

Thousands rally in Washington in support of Palestine

Thousands of people rallied Saturday evening in the US capital Washington in support of the Palestinian people calling for an end to US aid to Israel.

US State Department: West Bank is under Israeli occupation

US President Joe Biden's administration said Wednesday that Israel's control of the West Bank is indeed "occupation" clarifying its position after it recently released a report that avoided using the term and adopted language used by the previous administration of Donald Trump.

Trump administration to shut down PLO office in Washington

The Trump administration is expected to announce Monday that it will close the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) office in Washington administration officials said Sunday night widening a U.S. campaign of pressure amid stalled Middle East peace efforts.

Washington drops term occupation from its annual report

The US State Department dropped from its annual human rights report released on Friday the term “Occupied Territories” when making reference to the West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza.

Greenblatt: White House to hold meeting to discuss situation in Gaza

A US official said on Thursday that the White House will convene a meeting next week to discuss the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

Conference on pro-Israel lobby and American policy held in Washington

Academics journalists and specialists discussed last Friday the strategies policies and tactics used by Israel and its US-based lobby to influence the decisions taken by the Congress and the successive US administrations.

Amr: PA still has effective channels of communication with Washington

Although the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership already affirmed its decision to boycott the US administration after its declared Occupied Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last December senior Fatah official Nabil Amr has revealed the presence of effective channels of communication with Washington.

Hamas: US pressures on PLO “attempt to protect Israeli war criminals”

The Hamas Movement has described the US administration’s conditions for allowing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to continue operating in Washington “a renewed attempt to immunize Israel against prosecution for its crimes.”

PFLP deplores US decision to close PLO office in Washington

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has strongly denounced the US administration’s decision to close the office of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Washington describing such step as “a reflection of its hostile attitude to the Palestinian cause.”