Fri 20-September-2024

West Bank checkpoints

IOF erects military barriers in al-Khalil

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Thursday evening set up three military barriers to the south of al-Khalil city in the southern West Bank and turned some areas into military zones.

IOF erects military barrier near Nablus

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Thursday set up a military checkpoint between Nablus city and the nearby town of Tel southwest of the city.

2 Palestinian youths kidnapped by Israeli army at nightfall

The Israeli occupation forces on Wednesday evening kidnapped two Palestinian young men at West Bank checkpoints.

IOF erects military checkpoint west of al-Khalil

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Tuesday set up a military barrier at the western entrance to al-Khalil city where IOF soldiers stopped Palestinian cars and checked the inhabitants’ IDs.

IOF sets up military checkpoint east of al-Khalil

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Saturday morning erected a military makeshift barrier on Beit Eainoun junction east of al-Khalil city leading to severe traffic congestion.

IOF robs Palestinian money at Beit Fourik barrier

A Palestinian man Ahmad Hanani told the PIC reporter that Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) stationed at Beit Fourik military barrier east of Nablus city robbed his personal money from his wallet while checking his car at the checkpoint.

Israeli forces launch surveillance blimp south of Tulkarem

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) stationed at Jebarah checkpoint south of Tulkarem city launched on Tuesday a surveillance blimp over the barrier to monitor the traffic of Palestinians.

IOF sets up makeshift checkpoint east of al-Khalil

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Friday afternoon erected a military makeshift checkpoint at Beit Enoun junction east of al-Khalil city.

IOF sets up barriers detains two journalists in Tulkarem

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) erected on Monday afternoon military barriers in different locations in the vicinity of Tulkarem city in the northern West Bank.

IOF sets up military barrier at Halhoul Bridge in al-Khalil

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Saturday afternoon erected a military barrier on Halhoul Bridge at the northern entrance to al-Khalil city and blocked traffic.