Mon 16-September-2024

West Bank settlements

Committee to vote on imposing Israeli sovereignty on West Bank

Israel's so-called Ministerial Committee for Legislation is set to vote on Sunday on a bill to impose Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank settlements.

MP calls for legal efforts against Israel’s West Bank annexation move

Head of the Jerusalem Committee in the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmad Abu Halabiya on Monday condemned Likud party's decision to impose Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank and Jerusalem settlements.

Israel okays expropriation of Palestinian land near Ofra outpost

Israel’s legal adviser approved the expropriation of private Palestinian lands in favor of illegal settlement expansion despite an earlier pledge to return the lands to their native owners after they were seized “by mistake” according to Israeli news sources.

Israel to issue permits for 292 settlement units in O. Jerusalem

The so-called Planning and Building Committee in Occupied Jerusalem announced that permits for constructing 292 new settlement units will be issued next Wednesday according to the Israeli state-owned Kan TV.

Israeli new bill to block northern West Bank settlements eviction

The Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported on Sunday that members of Israeli Knesset of the government coalition intend to present a new bill to the Ministerial Committee for Legislation blocking the eviction of Jewish-only settlements in the northern West bank.

Israel to approve thousands of new settlements after Sukkot

Eli Ben-Dahan Deputy Minister of Israeli Army said that the construction of thousands of settlement units will be approved immediately after the end of the Jewish holiday Sukkot. This will include 300 units in the Beit El settlement in the northern Ramallah.

Explosive device detonates outside Mevo Dothan settlement

The Israeli occupation army said an explosive device detonated on Thursday night near the illegal settlement of Mevo Dothan which was built on lands annexed from the towns of Arraba and Ya’bad in Jenin north of the West Bank.