Fri 20-September-2024

West Bank

Israeli army closes off main entrance to southern Nablus village

The Israeli occupation forces on Sunday shut down the main entrance to the village of al-Lubban al-Sharqia to the south of Nablus in the West Bank barring entry to and exit from the village.

Israeli army cracks down on Palestinians’ free movement in al-Bireh

The Israeli occupation forces on Saturday closed off the northern entrance to al-Bireh in the central occupied West Bank blocking Palestinians’ access out of and into the area.

Dozens injured by IOF fire in renewed West Bank clashes

Dozens of Palestinians were injured on Friday in clashes with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in different areas of the occupied West Bank over the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Israeli army tightens grip around flashpoints with Palestinians

The Israeli occupation forces have tightened security measures near the main entrances to Palestinian towns and villages in the occupied West Bank in an attempt to quell projected pro-Jerusalem protests.

IOF raids West Bank arrests 2 Palestinian youths

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) at dawn Thursday broke into several locations in the West Bank arrested two Palestinian youths and abused a Palestinian family.

Clashes flare anew in West Bank injuries reported

A number of Palestinians on Tuesday choked on tear gas in renewed clashes with Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the West Bank. The clashes have been going on for the thirteenth day in protest at the US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

Civilians arrested cash stolen by Israeli army in West Bank sweep

A number of Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) while others have had their homes ransacked in abduction sweeps rocking the West Bank at daybreak Sunday.

Undercover Israeli units intensify assaults on anti-Trump protesters

Over recent days Israeli undercover troops have stepped up crackdowns on Palestinian protesters across the occupied West Bank inflaming tension in the area.

Clashes raging for 6th day in West Bank over Trump’s Jerusalem move

Fierce clashes between Palestinian anti-occupation youth and the Israeli army continue to rock the occupied West Bank for the sixth day running after US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Red Crescent denies Israeli army’s claims over West Bank clashes

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) denied transporting demonstrators to clash with Israeli occupation forces during West Bank protests rebuffing a claim made by the occupation army earlier Monday.