Mon 16-September-2024

West Bank

PA court refuses to release two detainees after slamming Fatah leader

The Palestinian Authority (PA) magistrate court in Ramallah refused on Wednesday to release on bail each of activist Nassar Jaradat and journalist Thaher al-Shamali who are both arrested at the PA preventive security apparatus.

Silencing ‘voice of resistance’ in the West Bank

Wasfi Kabaha was talking to his friends and followers on social media when the Israeli occupation forces knocked at his house by the dawn of Monday 12 June 2017 to inform him of his arrest while his followers on Facebook were still busy discussing the issues raised by him.

PA forces step up arrests of anti-occupation activists students

The Palestinian Authority (PA) forces in the West Bank arrested four Palestinians and summoned another to questioning on account of their anti-occupation political activism.

Several Palestinians injured in violent clashes with Israeli forces

Dozens of Palestinian protesters were shot and injured by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) during clashes rocking West Bank provinces at daybreak Wednesday.

Amnesty International: States must ban Israeli settlement products

Amnesty International launched a campaign Wednesday to press the international community to boycott goods produced in illegal Israeli West Bank settlement outposts

Israel to approve 2600 new settlement units in West Bank

Israel is expected to approve the construction of 2600 new settlement units in the West Bank.

Journalists Forum slams the PA for arresting 2 journalists

The Palestinian Journalists Forum slammed the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces in the West Bank for arresting two journalists as well as storming their homes and confiscating their laptops and cameras.

20 Palestinians kidnapped by Israeli soldiers at crack of dawn

At least 20 Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Monday in mass abduction sweeps rocking the West Bank and Jerusalem.

4 Palestinians kidnapped in predawn sweep by Israeli army

Four Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at predawn Sunday in abduction sweeps rocking West Bank provinces.

Dozens of injuries on Friday of Anger in West Bank

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday afternoon in fierce confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in various areas of the West Bank.