Sat 7-September-2024

Wounded citizens

Palestinian injured by Israeli gunfire in Gaza

A Palestinian ambulance crew managed at dawn Friday to evacuate a wounded citizen from a border area near the Israeli security fence in the northeast of Gaza Strip.

Five citizens injured by Israeli gunfire north of Gaza

Five Palestinian citizens suffered injuries on Tuesday evening when the Israeli occupation forces opened live ammunition at an auto rickshaw they were aboard in Umm an-Naser village north of the Gaza Strip.

Condition of child wounded by Israeli gunfire gets worse

10-year-old Abdul-Rahman Shetewi who suffers from a bullet injury was transferred on Sunday to a hospital in the 1948 occupied lands after his health condition seriously deteriorated.

Two young men injured by Israeli gunfire east of Gaza

Two Palestinian young men suffered bullet injuries on Sunday morning during their presence in a border area to the east of Khan Younis south of the Gaza Strip.

UN: Health funding gap threatens 1700 in Gaza with amputations

A lack of sufficient health funding in Gaza means 1700 people shot by Israeli security forces may have to undergo amputations in the next two years Jamie McGoldrick the UN humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territories told reporters on Wednesday.

Gaza: The wounded start hunger strike in protest at withheld salaries

A number of wounded citizens in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday started an open-ended hunger strike in protest at the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) decision to cut off their salaries.

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