Mon 8-July-2024


Zahhar: I made no statements over blast targeting Hamdallah convoy

Political bureau member of Hamas Movement Mahmoud al-Zahhar denied on Wednesday "counterfeit reports" attributed to him regarding the targeting of Rami al-Hamdallah’s convoy.

Hamas: Abbas’s backbiting against Zahhar sign of ad hominem campaign

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas condemned on Sunday Mahmoud Abbas’s “unfair criticism” against leader Mahmoud al-Zahhar dubbing it an act of “provocative defamation.”

Zahhar: Palestinian soil no bargaining chip

Hamas will never forfeit a single inch of Palestinian land the group’s political bureau member Mahmoud al-Zahhar said on Monday.

Zahhar: Our hand is outstretched for reconciliation

The Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahhar on Friday said that his Movement's hand is outstretched for any reconciliation that does not contradict its principles.

Zahhar: Legitimacy of PNC Abbas fake

The legitimacy of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) and of the Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas is fake political bureau member of Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahhar said on Tuesday.

Zahhar: Rafah crossing to be opened on daily basis by end of August

Mahmoud al-Zahhar member of Hamas’s Political Bureau declared that Rafah border crossing will be open on daily basis by the end of this month.

Zahhar: Hamas ready to tie up with all parties to liberate Palestine

Hamas is ready to combine forces with whoever yearns for liberating the occupied Palestinian territories political bureau member of Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahhar said on Sunday evening.

Zahhar: The Israeli occupation our only enemy

Head of Hamas's parliamentary bloc Mahmoud al-Zahhar said on Monday that the Israeli occupation is Hamas's only enemy.

Zahhar: Hamas will not give up resistance

Member of the Hamas political bureau Mahmoud al-Zahhar said on Sunday that Hamas will never give up the national constants and will continue to defend the rights of all Palestinians whether they are Muslims or Christians.

Zahhar: Negotiations will not return our land

Mahmoud al-Zahhar member of Hamas Political Bureau said negotiations with Israeli occupation authorities will not return the occupied Palestinian land. He affirmed that his Movement will not take part in the liquidation of the Palestinian Question.