Sun 6-October-2024


Zahhar refutes news on his resignation

The office of Mahmoud al-Zahhar member of Hamas Political Bureau refuted the news on his resignation and accused Fatah Movement with responsibility for publishing the rumor.

Zahhar warns Abbas against adopting anti-Gaza stands

The head of the Hamas-affiliated Change and Reform parliamentary bloc Mahmoud al-Zahhar warned the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday against taking any administrative or financial measures against the Gaza Strip.

Zahhar: Hamas’s document reflects the policies of the next stage

Member of the Hamas political bureau Mahmoud al-Zahhar said on Saturday that the policy document prepared by Hamas Movement reflects the Movement's policies in the next stage noting that there is no change in its principles.

Zahhar: High time Egypt revealed fate of 4 Palestinian captives

Political bureau member of Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahhar has stressed Hamas’s commitment to boost fraternal ties with Egypt calling on the latter to release the four Palestinians kidnapped in Sinai.

Zahhar nominated head of Change and Reform parliamentary bloc

The Hamas-affiliated Change and Reform parliamentary bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) elected on Sunday a new committee to lead the bloc headed by the Hamas senior leader Mahmoud al-Zahhar.

Zahhar: Despite hindrances Hamas-Egypt ties recovering

Hamas’s ties with Egypt have seen better days political bureau member of Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahhar said Wednesday evening.

Zahhar: Upcoming meetings with Egyptian officials in Cairo

Dr. Mahmoud al-Zahhar political bureau member of Hamas affirmed that meetings will be held between the leadership of Hamas and Egyptian officials in the near future praising in the meantime the Egyptian facilities to Gaza.

Hamas hails Christians for reciting Adhan in churches

The Israeli desire to quash Adhan (Muslim call to prayers) in the occupied Palestinian territories shall never see the day political bureau member of Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahhar said hailing Christians for reciting Adhan in churches.

Zahhar urges PA to let W. Bank resistance defend its people

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Mahmoud al-Zahhar has called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership to end its security collaboration with the Israeli occupation and give a free hand to the Palestinian resistance to defend its people.

Mishaal calls for resistance-based national reconciliation

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Khaled Mishaal has reiterated the need for a Palestinian reconciliation based on the resistance option and the national constants calling for using stratagems to achieve victory over the enemy.