Fri 20-September-2024

Administrative detainee

Detainee Ahmad Zahran on 97th day of hunger strike

The Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Zahran has been on hunger strike in Israeli jails for 97 days in protest at his administrative detention amid worrying deterioration in his health condition.

Detainee Ahmad Zahran’s hunger strike enters day 83

The Palestinian detainee Ahmad Zahran has been on hunger strike in Israeli jails for 83 consecutive days protesting his detention without charge or trial.

Palestinian hunger striker moved to hospital as health worsens

The Israel Prison Service on Sunday transferred the Palestinian detainee Mus'ab al-Hindi who has been on hunger strike for 75 days to a hospital after his health condition seriously worsened.

Hunger striking detainee moved to hospital

The Israeli occupation authorities on Thursday transferred the Jordanian detainee Heba al-Labadi to the hospital following a deterioration in her health condition nearly a month after she started an open-ended hunger strike in protest at her administrative detention the Jordanian Foreign Ministry said.

Family: Hiba in serious condition following 24 days of hunger strike

The family of Jordanian prisoner Hiba al-Labadi has said that her health has seriously deteriorated following 24 days of hunger strike in protest at her arbitrary detention.

Sudden deterioration in striking prisoner’s health in Israeli jail

The hunger striking prisoner Naser al-Jadaa on Tuesday evening was transferred to an Israeli hospital after his health condition suddenly deteriorated in an Israeli prison.

Hasan al-Awiwi’s mother starts hunger strike

The mother of the hunger striking prisoner in Israeli jails Hasan al-Awiwi has started an open hunger strike in solidarity with her son.

Hunger striking prisoner Hasan Awiwi refuses water

The family of the Palestinian prisoner Hasan al-Awiwi who has been on hunger strike in Israeli jails for 68 days on Saturday said that he decided to stop drinking water.

Captive Ahmad Mousa ends 29-day hunger strike

The Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails Ahmad Mousa on Friday suspended his hunger strike which he started 29 days ago in protest at his detention without charge or trial.

Israel renews administrative detention of Palestinian woman

The Israeli occupation authorities on Monday decided to extend the administrative detention of the Palestinian prisoner Fedaa Da'mas 24 for four months.