Fri 20-September-2024

Administrative detainee

Israel extends administrative detention of disabled Palestinian

The Israeli occupation authorities on Sunday decided to extend the administrative detention of a Palestinian prisoner with special needs only one day before his scheduled release.

Palestinian administrative detainee released

The Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) released on Tuesday evening the leader in Hamas Movement Khaled al-Haj 48 after fully completing his prison term.

Palestinian detainee on hunger strike for 17th day

Palestinian detainee Anas Shadid continues his open hunger strike in Israeli jails for the 17th day in a row amid deliberate medical negligence by the Israel Prison Service.

Detainee Hasan Shouka suspends his hunger strike

Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission on Friday said that prisoner Hasan Shouka 30 decided to suspend his hunger strike after an agreement had been reached between his lawyer and the Israeli prosecution.

IOA renews administrative detention of disabled Palestinian

Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission said that the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Thursday decided to extend the administrative detention of the Palestinian prisoner Mu'taz Abido 38 for 6 months.

Court renews administrative detention of prisoner Ibrahim Arouj

Israeli occupation authorities on Tuesday decided to extend the administrative detention of prisoner Ibrahim al-Arouj 33 for the ninth time in a row.

Administrative detention order against Palestinian prisoner

The Israeli military court of Salem on Sunday afternoon issued a new administrative detention order against Ibrahim al-Amer from Nablus governorate in the northern West Bank.

Palestinian university lecturer’s detention extended

Israeli military court of Petah Tikvah on Wednesday extended the detention of the lecturer at An-Najah National University Ghassan Thouqan 61 for five days.

Palestinian prisoner held in Israeli jail despite end of sentence

Israeli prosecution decided to extend the detention of the Palestinian prisoner Ismail al-Nattah 43 for four months a few hours after he was informed of his release from Negev prison following an eight-month sentence in administrative detention.

Prisoner released after 2 years of administrative detention

Israeli occupation authorities set free a Palestinian prisoner Mahmoud Sebaih from al-Khader town near Bethlehem after a 2-year imprisonment in the illegal administrative detention without charge or trial.