Sat 7-September-2024

stabbing incident

IOF detains Palestinian following alleged stabbing attempt

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday morning detained a Palestinian young man in the north of al-Khalil on allegations of his attempt to carry out a stabbing attack.

Palestinian shot and detained following alleged stabbing attempt

A Palestinian young man was wounded and detained by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Sunday afternoon after he allegedly tried to stab soldiers at Ariel Junction north of Salfit in the West Bank.

Israeli police arrest Palestinian girl over alleged stabbing attempt

Israeli occupation police on Friday morning arrested a Palestinian girl for allegedly attempting to stab Israeli settlers in Jerusalem City.

IOF arrests Palestinian in al-Khalil over alleged stabbing attempt

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday claimed that they arrested a Palestinian youth who attempted a stabbing attack near the Ibrahimi Mosque in al-Khalil.

Settler allegedly stabbed near al-Khalil city

One Jewish settler was moderately injured in an alleged stabbing attack near the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba close to the city of al-Khalil on Saturday afternoon.

Israeli forces shoot arrest Palestinian youth in Jerusalem

A Palestinian youth was injured on Monday evening after being shot by Israeli occupation forces in the Old City of Jerusalem for allegedly attempting a stabbing attack.

Policewoman injured in alleged stabbing attempt in J’lem Old City

An Israeli policewoman was slightly injured on Thursday afternoon during a stabbing incident in the Old City of Occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli soldier kidnaped killed in Occupied W. Bank

An 18-year-old Israeli soldier was found dead late Wednesday night near a settlement in the Gush Etzion settlement area reportedly with stabbing marks over his body.

Palestinian killed after stabbing settlers in O. Jerusalem

A Palestinian young man was killed on Friday morning by Israeli police forces after he stabbed Jewish settlers in Occupied Jerusalem.

IOF kills Palestinian young man at checkpoint

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) shot and killed late Monday a Palestinian young man after an alleged stabbing attack near Hawara checkpoint in Nablus to the north of West Bank.