Fri 20-September-2024

Sit-in in solidarity with the sick prisoner Riadh Ameur

Tuesday 19-June-2012

BETHLEHEM(PIC)– The Palestinian Prisoners Society ( PPS) has organized in the city of Bethlehem in the southern occupied West Bank in coordination with the Palestinian Authority detainees ministry a sit-in in solidarity with the sick prisoners headed by Riadh Ameur.

Head of the Bethlehem Branch of the Palestinian Prisoner Society Abdul-Fattah Khalil said that the Israeli occupation bears the responsibility for Ameur’s life who suffers from chronic heart disease and needs treatment urging the human rights and humanitarian organizations for immediate intervention to save Riadh Ameur’s life and all the sick prisoners.

The prisoner Riad Ameur from Tekoa village was arrested since 27 September 2003 and sentenced to 11life terms and suffers from heart disease and in addition to his critical health condition according to medical reports.

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