Fri 20-September-2024

IOA transfers Jordanian detainee to hospital

Monday 28-May-2012

RAMALLAH (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) transferred Jordanian detainee Samer Al-Barq to Ramle prison hospital after deterioration of his health condition.

Barq resumed his hunger strike six days ago after the Israeli prison service refused to release him as it had initially agreed to release him eight days after the agreement with the Palestinian hunger striking prisoners.

However he was surprised that the IPS renewed his administrative detention for three months.

Barq 37 was imprisoned in Pakistan after completing his microbiology studies and marrying a Pakistani woman. He was interrogated for a few days then handed to American security men who questioned him then detained him in an American air base where he spent five weeks in detention before his deportation to Jordan in 2003 where he was also held for one year in custody.

He was released then detained twice before the Jordanian authorities forced him to go the West Bank after claiming that it was his wish. The IOA detained him in 2010 where he was under interrogation for 77 days then held in administrative detention without trial or charge since then. The IOA set the condition that he should be deported to Jordan in the event of his release but Jordan refuses to receive him.

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