Fri 20-September-2024

IOA serves new demolition notifications in Silwan

Sunday 2-June-2013

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority served demolition notices to a number of Palestinian houses in Silwan suburb in occupied Jerusalem on Sunday.

Wadi Hilwe information center said in a statement that Jerusalem municipality teams escorted by police forces distributed the orders claiming that those houses were built without permit.

The center said that the teams delivered the notifications in Bustan suburb and photographed a number of other houses in the same suburb and in Wadi Hilwe and Bir Ayoub suburbs.

Mazen Ode owner of one of the threatened houses told the center that the demolition notice was glued on his front door and that of his brother’s.

He said that the teams photographed both houses adding that his house which provides shelter for ten of his family members was built in 2003 and that he was still paying fines for its construction till the present day.

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