Fri 20-September-2024

Jerusalemite citizen forced to demolish his own home

Tuesday 5-March-2013

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– A Palestinian citizen was forced to demolish his own home in Bab Hetta in the Old City of Jerusalem on Monday after the Jerusalem Municipality issued a demolition order for his property.

Daoud Eseid said that he has demolished his home to avoid paying the fees charged by Israeli authorities if Israeli forces had carried out the demolition.

“I am unemployed at the moment and I have seven children. We are daily suffering from Israeli brutality” the Jerusalemite citizen stated.

Meanwhile the occupation bulldozers started bulldozing a land of about half dunums owned by Fayez Kiswani in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Imad Kiswani the son of the house’s owner told PIC that staff from the Israeli National Insurance accompanied by bulldozers arrived to the land and started demolishing the wall surrounding it claiming their ownership to the piece of land after an Israeli Court issued a decision allowing them to construct a building of eight floors on the Palestinian land.

Crews of Jerusalem Municipality and Israeli Gihon water company launched on Monday morning in the town of Silwan a broad campaign that included the distribution of demolition orders and cutting off water supplies to citizens’ houses due to debts owed to the water company.

Clashes have erupted between citizens and a group of settlers in the Wadi Hilweh in Silwan after the settlers attacked the children while heading to schools.

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