Tue 2-July-2024

Three citizens martyred, others injured in IOF attack on Jenin

Thursday 14-December-2023


Three Palestinian citizens, including a child, were martyred and 10 others were injured at dawn Thursday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked local residents and their homes in Jenin and kidnaped a large number of citizens.

Medical sources said that a child identified as Bashar Abu Zaid and 27-year-old Ahmed Abu Zeina were killed and 10 others were wounded, three seriously, when the IOF used a drone to bomb a group of citizens in the eastern area of Jenin City.

The health ministry also announced the death of another young man, saying he was killed in the morning during a renewed IOF attack on Jenin and its refugee camp.

The Red Crescent said that its ambulance crews evacuated the martyrs and the wounded to the hospitals of Ibn Sina and al-Razi.

Eyewitnesses said that the IOF fired several Energa projectiles at a number of homes in the eastern neighborhood of Jenin.

One of the citizens said that Israeli forces encircled his house and nearby homes and ordered him to leave his house along with his wife and kids before firing one Energa projectile at it and showering it with bullets, adding that his house sustained considerable damage.

The IOF also fired over five projectiles at other homes, ordered their residents to leave them and interrogated them.

Israeli soldiers also broke into and ransacked many homes in the same neighborhood and detonated a house in al-Damj neighborhood in Jenin camp.

Consequently, violent clashes broke out between angry local youths and the IOF, during which Israeli soldiers intensively fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at the young men and homes.

The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reporter said that resistance fighters responded by detonating an explosive device at an IOF vehicle in Jenin City and opened fire at Israeli troops and other vehicles, adding that the IOF called for reinforcements to deal with the situation.

Local sources said that the IOF kidnaped over 300 citizens from Jenin and its refugee camp and took them to military posts before releasing a number of them after interrogating and assaulting them.

On Wednesday evening, the IOF destroyed a barber shop in Jenin camp after bombing it with an Energa projectile.

One citizen was killed by Israeli sniper fire, others were injured and massive destruction to property happened during an IOF campaign in Jenin and its refugee camp yesterday.

An Israeli drone also bombed a house in the camp, while Israeli soldiers desecrated some mosques and used their loudspeakers to sing, amid clashes with local youths.

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