Tue 2-July-2024

Close to famine in the north … Warnings of Gaza residents facing death by starvation

Friday 5-April-2024


The organization “Oxfam Intermon” warned on Thursday of the danger of leaving Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to face death by starvation, amid the continuation of Israeli aggression and the imposed blockade.

The organization, based in Spain, said in a report that “Palestinians in the northern part of the Strip are forced to survive by consuming an average of 245 calories per day, which is less than the amount provided by 100 grams of bread,” according to Anadolu Agency.

It added that “245 calories are not enough to meet daily human needs,” explaining that the natural requirement for the human body should be 2100 calories per day under normal conditions.

The organization’s report emphasized that “famine is on the doorstep of northern Gaza, where almost all residents suffer from severe hunger, with about 1.1 million people facing a catastrophic level of food insecurity.”

It pointed out that the food supplies entering Gaza on a daily basis are less than half of the population’s needs under normal conditions.

The people of the Gaza Strip are experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe amid ongoing aggression and indiscriminate bombardment, with over 1.8 million internally displaced people fleeing to camps, in addition to the deliberate targeting by the Israeli occupation army of those awaiting humanitarian aid, in what has become known as the “flour massacres.”

The severity of the famine in the Gaza Strip, especially in the northern areas, is rapidly escalating, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Palestinians, including children and the elderly, due to drought and severe malnutrition.

The Israeli occupation army is waging a brutal war of starvation on the people of the Gaza Strip by obstructing the entry of aid through land crossings, leading to the widening of the famine, especially in the northern areas of the Gaza Strip.

Several Arab and foreign countries are carrying out air drops of humanitarian aid to various areas of the Gaza Strip in an attempt to address the humanitarian disaster affecting Gazans, but UN officials have stressed that this does not negate the need to open the crossings.

For the 181st consecutive day, Israel continues to commit massacres as part of the genocidal war it is waging against the people of the Gaza Strip, targeting inhabited homes, medical and journalistic crews, resulting in the death toll exceeding 33,000 martyrs, with more than 75,000 injured with various wounds, in addition to thousands missing under the rubble, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

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