Sun 8-September-2024

Europeans for Al Quds: 685 Israeli violations in Occupied Jerusalem in April

Friday 3-May-2024


The Europeans for Al Quds Foundation said that it documented 685 violations committed by the Israeli occupation authority in the city of Jerusalem during the month of April, distributed across 16 patterns of human rights violations. It indicated that the majority of these violations were complex, with the highest percentage being incursions and raids at 55.9%, followed by arrests at 16.1%.

The monthly report by Europeans for Al Quds also documented that during April, the occupation forces carried out 47 shootings and direct assaults, resulting in the martyrdom of the Turkish tourist Hassan Skalanan after carrying out a stabbing operation, the injury of 4 others, and dozens suffering from teargas suffocation in separate incidents. Additionally, it documented that at least 29 citizens were subjected to beatings and harassment.

The report also documented 383 instances of the occupation forces raiding towns and neighborhoods in Jerusalem, during which they arrested 110 citizens, including 12 children and 9 women. They summoned 9 others and imposed house arrest on 7 citizens.

Furthermore, the report documented 3 demolition and confiscation operations that targeted 3 houses, as well as the issuance of eviction orders and demolition orders for at least 29 citizens.

During the month of April, 4 decisions and measures were issued as part of the consolidation of settlement and Judaization policies in Occupied Jerusalem. These included transferring the authority of land enforcement to the Ministry of National Security to expedite demolition orders, the eviction of 3 families from their homes in favor of settlers, and the introduction of an official plan to change the de facto situation in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

5,734 Jewish settlers and hundreds others under the guise of tourists participated in the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque over a period of 13 days, noting an increase in the number of intruders despite the few days of incursion that was witnessed due to a halt during the last ten days of the month of Ramadan and during the days of Eid al-Fitr. The report mentioned that 4,345 settlers participated in the incursions during the Hebrew Passover holiday, a significant increase compared to incursions during the same holiday last year.

The report also documented the occupation forces storming Al-Aqsa Mosque at least twice and carrying out 17 other attacks on the Mosque by the police and settlers.

The Israeli occupation authority continued to implement the policy of expulsion from Al-Aqsa Mosque or the city of Jerusalem, documenting 3 expulsion orders against Jerusalemites.

The report documented 4 attacks carried out by settlers, including attacks on citizens, their property, and acts of incitement.

The report also recorded 57 permanent and flying checkpoints, 4 violations related to press freedom and public liberties, and two cases of collective punishment.

Europeans for Al Quds renewed their warning about the danger of what is happening in Jerusalem in terms of violations and the expansion of the powers of the extremist minister Ben Gvir, especially his attempt to impose new facts on Al-Aqsa Mosque, while increasing the suffering of Jerusalemites, in parallel with ongoing Judaization policies. They called on the international community, especially the European Union countries, to adopt serious positions to put an end to Israeli violations.

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