Fri 6-September-2024

Al-Aqsa Mosque preacher calls for countering settlers’ plan to raise 500 Israeli flags

Monday 6-May-2024


Jewish settler groups have announced their intention to raise approximately 500 Israeli flags inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied city of Jerusalem on May 14th, on the so-called Independence Day.

Settler groups have organized signature campaigns to allow them to raise the flag inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and they plan to put up a huge banner in Tel Aviv calling for raising the flag in Al-Aqsa.

The settler group Women for the Temple has called for storming Al-Aqsa on the following Thursday, coinciding with the calls to raise 500 flags in Al-Aqsa.

In response, the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, called for the protection and defense of the holy site against the settlers’ plans and their ongoing attacks. He warned of the consequences of settlers’ attacks and violations targeting Islamic sanctities in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

The preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque emphasized that the Palestinian people will not allow the occupation authorities and settler groups to implement their plans, pointing out that the Mosque is subjected to continuous attacks by an occupation that does not respect religions.

He praised the steadfastness of the Palestinian people who are stationed in Al-Aqsa, affirming that they will not surrender a single grain of its soil and will increase their attachment to it.

Palestinian calls continue to mobilize and gather at Al-Aqsa Mosque, following the wide-scale incursions by settlers during the so-called Hebrew Passover holiday.

These calls emphasize the importance of preserving permanent presence in Al-Aqsa to thwart the settlers’ plans and their attempts to seize it and impose new Judaization plans in it.

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