Sat 22-June-2024

Hamas: Ben Gvir’s desecration of Aqsa “aggressive act”

Wednesday 22-May-2024


The Hamas Movement has condemned the desecration of the Aqsa Mosque by far-right Israeli security minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Wednesday morning, describing it as an “aggressive act that adds fuel to the fire.’

Hamas said that the Aqsa Mosque’s exposure to violations by Ben Gvir and other settlers would not confer any legitimacy upon the Israeli occupation state at the Palestinian holy sites.

Hamas urged the Palestinian masses in Jerusalem, the West Bank and 1948 occupied Palestine to stand in the face of the systematic Judaization campaign against the Aqsa Mosque and intensify their presence in its buildings and courtyards.

The Movement also called on the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to take serious action to protect the Aqsa Mosque and all the Islamic and Christian holy sites in the occupied territories against the Zionist dangers threatening them.

Flanked by heavily armed Israeli forces, Ben-Gvir and other settlers forced their way into the Aqsa Mosque compound in Occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday morning.

During his tour of the Mosque’s courtyards, the far-right minister said that the Islamic holy site, which he called temple, “belongs solely to the state of Israel.”

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