Sat 21-September-2024

Israel’s Judaization of Silwan seeks to pave way for misappropriation of al-Aqsa

Sunday 23-November-2014

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– Head of the Wadi Helwa Information Center Jawad Seyam warned of the serious repercussions of the flood of Israeli Judaization conspiracies perpetrated in Occupied Jerusalem dubbing the plots signs of pre-planned attempts to grab hold over Muslims’ holy al-Aqsa Mosque.

A PIC correspondent quoted Jawad Seyam as reporting that the Israeli Elad settlement association and the so-called Ateret Cohanim group claimed that Jerusalem’s Silwan town is a 3000-year-old Jewish tract.

However historiographers confirm just as historical documents have always corroborated that the city was established over 5000 years ago and has continued to thrive ever since as a typically Islamic city.

Seyam spoke out against Israel’s plans to misappropriate Jerusalem’s tracts and spin out illegal settlement at the expense of Palestinians’ own land rights.

“The ill-famed Elad and Ateret Cohanim pro-settlement associations have been striving since 1967 to judaize occupied Jerusalem city along with the towns of Silwan and Wadi Helwa in an attempt to set up their alleged ‘city of David’” Seyam said.

He further warned of the swift propagation of Israel’s illegal settlement expansion in Silwan where at least 29 settlement outposts comprising over 80 settlement units have been pitched.

Seyam slammed Israel’s misappropriation of 35% of the overall area of the Wadi Helwa zone under the staunch back-up of the notorious Netanyahu government.

“However history proves that Silwan is Palestinians’ exclusive property. The daily clashes between the Palestinian natives and the Israeli occupation forces are a living proof of this” the statement proceeded.

In Seyam’s view such Israeli schemes make part of larger long-term-settlement bid to be fulfilled from first to last by 2020 and another Judaization tender seeking to set up the alleged “holy basin” by 2030.

The activist sounded alarm bells over Israel’s seizure of 30 Palestinian apartments in Wadi Helwa a few weeks ago via the so-called “custodian of the absentee property.”

The plot culminated in the issue of a bunch of laws by the Israeli occupation authorities proclaiming all Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem “illegal” a step aimed at weaving pretexts to smooth Israel’s path towards more house demolitions.

He voiced concern over the dire living conditions endured by the Silwan natives many among whom live below the poverty line and suffer from population overcrowding.

“Israel’s misappropriation of Silwan heralds the onset of a tacit plot to hold sway over Muslims’ holy al-Aqsa Mosque and Occupied Jerusalem” Seyam firmly warned.

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