Fri 11-October-2024

Hamas: Qalqilya operation natural response to Israeli genocide, violations in Gaza, West Bank

Thursday 25-July-2024


Hamas said on Thursday that the heroic shooting attack that was carried out this morning east of Qalqilya is a natural response to the Israeli ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip, and the repetitive violations in the West Bank and Jerusalem at the hands of Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and fanatic settlers.

In a statement, Hamas stressed that the Qalqilya resistance operation “conveys a message to the Zionist criminal Ben-Gvir that the settlers’ violations at Al-Aqsa Mosque and throughout the West Bank will not pass without punishment.”

Earlier on Thursday, three Israeli soldiers were wounded after Palestinian resistance fighters had opened fire at the soldiers on Street 55, west of the town of Azzun, to the east of Qalqilya.

The IOF admitted that three Israeli soldiers were injured with wounds ranging from moderate to serious in a shooting attack that was carried out by a speeding car west of Azzun in Qalqilya.

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