Sat 14-September-2024

Killing Gaza children and beheading their heads: Israel’s unspoken atrocity

Wednesday 14-August-2024


A child with a severed head, lifted by a Palestinian medic in his hands in a horrific and recurring scene during the exhumation of the Abu Nada family, eight members of whom were wiped off the civil registry by the Israeli bombardment in the center of the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli occupation’s aircraft bombed the Abu Nada family’s home in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday evening, leading to the martyrdom of the entire family of 8 members, including the couple and their children, among them the infant whose head was severed.

A recurring phenomenon
This was not the only incident of killing Palestinian infants and beheading some of them, as this has become a recurring phenomenon, after Israel placed children in the open target bank in the ongoing genocidal war for the eleventh consecutive month.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor documented the martyrdom of 2,100 Palestinian infants under the age of two, out of about 17,000 children killed by the occupation in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the crime of genocide committed by Israel since October 7, 2023.

Horrific and unprecedented
Horrific and unprecedented in the modern history of wars, the number of Palestinian children, whether infants or children in general, killed by the Israeli occupation army, according to the Euro-Med Monitor, who pointed in a statement that this expresses a serious and existing pattern of dehumanizing Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by deliberately, systematically and extensively targeting them and their children without interruption for ten months, in the most brutal and atrocious ways.

The Euro-Med Monitor stressed that many children had their heads and body parts severed due to the highly destructive Israeli bombardment of civilian gatherings, especially homes, buildings, residential neighborhoods and displacement camps, constituting a flagrant violation of the rules of distinction, proportionality, military necessity and precautions.

The infants Asser and Aisel
Last Tuesday, the infant twins Asser and Aisel Muhammad Abu Al-Qumsan, whose age did not exceed four days, were martyred along with their mother Juman and their grandmother in an Israeli bombardment that targeted a residential apartment in Deir Al-Balah, in the middle of the Gaza Strip.

The father of the children could not control himself and went into a state of shock, as he had gone out to obtain birth certificates for his newborn twins, and returned to the apartment to find it destroyed and all members of his family, in addition to the grandmother, martyred in a direct Israeli targeting of the house.

According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the number of infants who were martyred in the ongoing genocidal war on the Strip for 311 days has risen to 115, after the newborn twins Aisel and Ayser Abu Al-Qumsan were martyred.

Premeditated murder
According to the Euro-Med Monitor, the occupation army possesses advanced technology, and it knows every time it targets a civilian home or shelter, with civilians, including children and women, inside, and nevertheless bombs it with highly destructive missiles and bombs, deliberately causing the greatest possible loss of civilian lives and severe injuries.

This is evidenced by the repeated, systematic and widespread pattern of Israeli targeting of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and the highly destructive and indiscriminate weapons, especially against densely populated civilian areas.

Cutting off the head of the beautiful Ahmad
The child Ahmad Al-Najjar, who was not more than a year and a half old, was very handsome, but the occupation killed him with a number of his family members and cut off his head in its brutal and bloody war.

The child’s father, Abdul-Hafez Al-Najjar (42 years old), says that his child Ahmad had his head cut off and was martyred with three of his siblings and their mother, and a large number of victims in an Israeli massacre that targeted displaced persons in the tents in the Al-Barkasat area west of Rafah, southern Gaza, on May 26 last.

He added: “My child Ahmad was very beautiful, he was a year and a half old, his head was cut off in the Israeli bombardment, his head was severed from his body, when I saw him, I was outraged, he was buried without his head.”

The Infants Wessam and Naeem
The Euro-Med Monitor mentioned that two other infant children, Wessam and Naeem Abu Anza, aged six months, were also killed along with their father and 11 other family members in an Israeli air raid on the Al-Salam neighborhood in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, on March 3.

Rania Abu Anza, the mother of the two infants, says that she gave birth to the infants after ten years of trying various insemination attempts and in-vitro fertilization to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother, saying, “They implanted three embryos for me, two remained, and here they are gone. After ten days of their killing, they would have turned six months old. They bombed the house, my husband, my children, and the family were killed in the massacre.”

A shrapnel reaches the fetus and kills It
The Palestinian Shaimaa Al-Ghoul was in her ninth month of pregnancy when her home in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, was bombed on February 12, resulting in the martyrdom of her husband and her two sons Muhammad and Janan, and she was hit by a shrapnel in her abdomen that reached the fetus.

Al-Ghoul said that her husband Abdullah Abu Jazar had prepared for her dates, sweets, and a birth bag, joyful for his expected newborn before he was martyred with his two children.

She mentioned that she gave birth to a child she named Abdullah after his father’s name, but he lived only one day, as he died due to the shrapnel injury, leaving her to lose all three of her children along with her husband.

Dozens of fetal children also martyred in hospitals due to oxygen and electricity outages and the lack of care, and the targeting of hospitals over the past ten months.

Experts believe that the continued bombing of Palestinian children, killing them and beheading them, is part of a systematic policy and a result of the incitement and lies propagated by the Zionist propaganda mechanism at the beginning of the war of extermination, which claimed the beheading of Israeli children, which was later proven to be completely false.

Serious consequences
The Euro-Med Monitor stated that Israel continues to kill thousands of Palestinian men, women, and children in the Gaza Strip, most of them in their reproductive years, including pregnant women and thousands of children, including infants.

It believes that the systematic and widespread killing of Palestinian civilians by Israel, who make up at least 92% of the total number of martyrs, which is around 50,000 Palestinians, will have negative repercussions on population growth rates and the reproductive capacity of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and for generations to come.

According to the Euro-Med Monitor, cases of infant mortality are recorded daily as a direct result of the crimes that fall under the acts of genocide committed by Israel in the Strip, especially starvation, dehydration, and preventing and obstructing the entry of essential aid, such as milk, and deprivation of health care, and most of these are not included in the number of victims announced by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, due to the lack of a specific mechanism for categorizing this type of victim.

It added that Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip, in the face of the ongoing crime of genocide for ten months, have been deprived of any kind of protection provided for by international law, and have been deprived of their basic rights. They have become the main, direct and deliberate targets of the Israeli army, including premeditated murder and direct executions.

In the face of all these barbaric crimes taking place before the eyes of the world, the question remains: How long will the silence continue, and when will action begin to stop the crime of genocide and stop turning the Gaza Strip into the largest cemetery for children in the modern history around the world?

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