Tue 17-September-2024

The Sabra and Shatila massacre and the ongoing Gaza genocide: Decades of Palestinian Bloodshed

Tuesday 17-September-2024


The horrific scenes of killing and destruction in the devastated Gaza Strip bring to mind the massacre of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp, though with different perpetrators and weapons. Meanwhile, the Israeli-American war machine continues its onslaught in Gaza, leaving behind massive destruction and terrifying, shocking scenes.

In Sabra and Shatila, atrocities were committed that remain unforgettable and are deeply ingrained in the Palestinian memory, despite the ongoing Israeli massacres since the Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948.

What happened during those dark days in Sabra and Shatila—of killing, slaughter, and brutality—and what is happening today in Gaza, as well as before and after these events, leaves no room for doubt: Israel thrives on Palestinian blood. Israel kills Palestinians wherever they are, without justification or pretext. To Israel, the only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian.

Writer Saleh Thaher says, “We must think about the daily events and news, and pause at the massacres and genocide being committed against our people in Gaza. We must feel the wounds of the people and the pain of the grieving children and women.”

He adds, “We must ask ourselves: What have we done for Gaza? How can we be so numb to what’s happening? Where is the honor, dignity, and pride of the Arabs? Where are the human rights organizations and the world’s humanity in the face of such barbaric crimes?”

In his article, he continues, “We are overwhelmed by questions and the choking sorrow that lingers in our throats, given our failure and the world’s silence in the face of these tragedies, the abandonment by both near and far, and the inability of international organizations to stop the savage aggression against the Palestinian people.”

He goes on, “I remember, since we were children, hearing about the Sabra and Shatila camp and the horrific massacre committed against unarmed civilians—children, women, and the elderly—about the killings and the desecration of bodies, with victims’ brains splattered on the walls of their homes.”

He continues, “The images of dozens of scattered corpses in the homes and alleys of the Sabra and Shatila camp remain vividly present in the hearts and memories of Palestinians. So do the images of women holding their children, their bodies marked by stabs from knives, spears, and axes, and bullet holes piercing their heads.”

At that time, the Sabra and Shatila massacre became a symbol of Israeli terrorism and genocide. Today, the Gaza Strip represents another instance of genocide carried out by the Israeli occupation army since October 7, 2023, the writer notes.

The Sabra and Shatila massacre began at nightfall on September 16, 1982, when Israeli soldiers launched flares over the camp to facilitate the entry of Lebanese Phalangist militias and the South Lebanon Army. They advanced through the southwestern alleys of the camp and carried out their killing mission.

According to the writer, over the course of three days and nights, the Phalangist militias and Israeli soldiers committed unspeakable massacres against the residents. It was one of the most horrific massacres after World War II.

He adds, “The Israeli occupation, at the time, used its proxies—the Lebanese Phalangist militia—and killed thousands of innocent civilians in the Sabra and Shatila camp.”

In Gaza, the Israeli occupation army uses weapons of immense destructive power, with no regard for the principle of proportionality under international law. These weapons cause massive losses among civilians and destroy the infrastructure.

In this context, Hamas’s office in Lebanon, on the 42nd anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, affirmed that the Palestinian people will continue to resist until the occupation ends.

In a statement issued on Monday, the Movement said, “The Sabra and Shatila massacre, perpetrated by the Israeli occupation and its allied militias on September 16, 1982, remains deeply rooted in the Palestinian people’s consciousness and in the world as a symbol of Israel’s brutal terrorism.”

The statement added that this massacre will forever be remembered in Palestinian national history because it reflects the determination of our people to confront oppression and terrorism until liberation and return. It will also remain a shameful stain on humanity’s record, as those responsible for this massacre were never brought to justice or held accountable.

The statement pointed out that the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre comes this year amid the ongoing brutal Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza, where a new massacre is committed every day, killing Palestinians and destroying all the infrastructure and essentials of life.

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