Thu 24-October-2024

GMO: Israeli incitement against Gaza journalists paves the way for more crimes

Thursday 24-October-2024


The Government Media Office (GMO) has accused the Israeli occupation army of carrying out an incitement campaign against Palestinian journalists and media professionals in the Gaza Strip as a prelude to committing more crimes against them.

In a statement on Wednesday, GMO said that the Israeli army’s false claims against Palestinian journalists in Gaza are part of its attempts to muzzle the voice of truth and justify its ongoing crimes against civilians, including children, women and elderlies.

GMO stressed that “such attempts are aimed at obscuring the Palestinian narrative that exposed the Israeli army’s lies and threw its misleading stories into the trash can.”

“The world today has become aware of the Palestinian right to establish its state and demands an Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian territories,” GMO said.

For its part, the Hamas Movement said that the false Israeli claims that a number of Al Jazeera channel journalists are affiliated with resistance factions in Gaza is blatant incitement reflecting an intent to target them.

“This falls within its fascist policy that has claimed the lives of about 177 journalists as part of its attempts to terrorize them, prevent them from delivering their message, and impose a news blackout on its brutal genocide and gross violations [in the Gaza Strip],” Hamas added.

The Movement appealed to the international community and media and human rights institutions to condemns Israel’s crimes against the journalists working in Palestine and take action to provide them with protection.

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