Sat 27-July-2024

Israeli war crimes

UNRWA warns of systematic Israeli plan targeting its existence

Inas Hamdan, acting director of UNRWA’s information office in Gaza, has warned of a systematic Israeli plan to dismantle UNRWA, stressing that the agency is committed to providing its services despite the restrictions and difficulties obstructing its work.

Hamas slams Washington for whitewashing Netanyahu’s war crimes in Gaza

The Hamas Movement said on Wednesday that Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu should have been arrested as a war criminal and handed over to the International Criminal Court instead of giving him an opportunity in Washington to polish his image and cover up his ethnic cleansing and genocidal crimes in the Gaza Strip.

HRW: Israeli army committed war crimes against Palestinian detainees

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said that the Israeli army’s use of humiliating, degrading and inhumane methods against Palestinian prisoners amounts to “war crimes.”

Israeli warplanes bomb oil and energy facilities in Yemen’s Hodeida

Several Israeli airstrikes have hit Yemen’s coastal city of Hodeida, killing and injuring a number of citizens, the Ansarullah-affiliated Al-Masirah satellite channel has reported, attributing the attack to Israel.

Hamas calls on UN to take action against Israel’s ongoing crimes in Gaza

The Hamas Movement has called on the UN to take immediate action to stop the series of Israel’s terrorism and criminality against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Over 50,000 Gazans isolated in southern Gaza’s Rafah

Rafah mayor Ahmed al-Sufi said that more than 50,000 citizens are besieged inside the neighborhoods of Rafah in southern Gaza with no access to any basic services or vital needs for their survival.

UNRWA: Israel destroyed over 190 of our facilities in Gaza

More than 190 facilities run by UNRWA, the main relief agency in the Gaza Strip, have been bombed by the Israeli occupation army – “some more than once.”

Ocampo: Al-Mawasi massacre is a “clear war crime”

Luis Ocampo, former prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, has called for launching an urgent investigation into Israel’s al-Mawasi massacre in the Gaza Strip, activating the mechanisms of international law in this regard and holding those involved accountable for what he called a “clear war crime.”  

15 Gazans killed, dozens injured in new Israeli attack on UNRWA school

At least 15 Palestinians were massacred in a fresh Israeli attack on a UNRWA-run school sheltering displaced families in the Gaza Strip on Sunday afternoon.

Euro-Med: Israel uses displaced Gazans as a political pressure tool

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has accused the Israeli army of using the displaced civilians in the Gaza Strip as a tool of political pressure and blackmail through expanding the circle of killing, starving and targeting them in the midst of ceasefire talks.

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