Sat 21-September-2024

Administrative detainees continue their hunger strike for 48th day

Tuesday 10-June-2014

RAMALLAH (PIC)– Palestinian administrative detainees on Tuesday June 10 2014 entered the 48th day of their open-ended hunger strike demanding an end to their illegal administrative detention.

The Israeli Prison Service has taken punitive measures against several hunger strikers to force them to end their strike and isolated many of them in special cells and hospital rooms.

Hunger strikers’ families have called for intensifying popular events and sit-ins in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners’ protest steps.

Meanwhile Palestinian protesters organized in al-Khalil on Monday a sit-in outside Red Cross headquarters in solidarity with hunger strikers who risk death in Israeli jails particularly Ayman Atabish who declared hunger strike 103 days ago.

Prisoners’ families liberated detainees and representatives of national forces and human rights institutions participated in the sit-in organized by Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS).

For his part director of PPS Amjad al-Najjar said that hunger strikers are in real danger in Israeli jails where they may face death at any moment.

Al-Najjar called on human right institutions to pressure Israeli authorities to halt the inhuman practices and violations against Palestinian prisoners.

In his turn director of Palestinian Prisoners Ministry Ibrahim Najajreh called for intensifying official and popular support for the prisoners’ issue in light of Israeli rejection to meet their demands.

Liberated prisoner Muammar Banat a former hunger striker stressed the importance of solidarity events and activities to support the prisoners’ steadfastness.

The administrative detainees have launched their hunger strike in Israeli jails 48 days ago while 1400 prisoners joined the strike in solidarity with their follows.

Meanwhile Israeli court in Jalama detention center has extended the detention of Osama Qabaha the leader in Hamas movement Wasfi Qubah’s son for eight days pending investigation.

Wasfi Qubaha said that his son’s detention was extended for eight days noting that he is prevented from meeting his lawyer since his detention.

Osama was arrested last week along with number of Palestinian youths including the Hamas leader Jamal Abul Haija’s son.

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