Sat 21-September-2024

Ex-prisoner dies of cancer he suffered during captivity

Sunday 14-January-2007

AL-KHALIL (PIC)– Murad Abu Sakut 29 has died in one of the Jordanian hospitals after long years of suffering of lung cancer that was contracted while in Israeli occupation jails the Palestinian prisoner’s club in Al-Khalil announced on Saturday.

Abu Sakut was released from Israeli jails on 24/8/2005 after his health condition greatly deteriorated and was immediately carried to Jordan for treatment.

IOF arrested Abu Sakut in December 2001 from his hometown of Bani Na’im and a military court sentenced him to 25 years behind bars on charges of membership in the AMB the armed wing of Fatah faction. Shortly after his arrest he suffered from acute inflammation in his chest as a result of the jails’ high humidity.

He was carried to Ramle prison where lung cancer was detected and he remained suffering from the disease in his cell for five years until his right lung and part of his left lung were removed in an urgent surgery in Ramle prison.

However after his condition worsened he was released and transferred to a Jordan hospital.

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