Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli court renews administrative term against Shaheen without trial

Friday 30-December-2016

The Israeli Ofer military court on Thursday renewed the administrative detention without charge or trial of the Palestinian activist Osama Shaheen for the second time running.

The Ofer court sentenced 34-year-old Shaheen director of the Palestinian Prisoners Center for Studies to a renewed four-month administrative prison-term.

The Palestinian Prisoners Center slammed the renewed administrative sentence issued against Shaheen without charges.

According to the center Shaheen’s detention is primarily political.

Shaheen was released from Israeli jails just five months ago. He has been incarcerated for a total of eight years in several former arrests.

The detainee has been diagnosed with critical health disorders most notably in his back and feet due to a spinal osteoarthritis (breakdown of the cartilage). He was about to undergo an urgent medical surgery when he was arrested.

The Palestinian Prisoners Center held the Israeli occupation authorities responsible for any turn for the worse Shaheen’s health might take.

Osama Shaheen was kidnapped by an Israeli occupation patrol escorted by intelligence officers from his own family home on September 1 2016. He had been subjected to intensive questioning at the time before he was sent to prison.

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