Sat 21-September-2024

Settlers build new illegal outpost on Palestinian-owned land

Sunday 23-October-2016

A new illegal outpost is being established by Jewish settlers in the northern Jordan Valley on privately owned Palestinian land according to Haaretz newspaper.

The outpost is located in close proximity to the illegal outpost Givat Salit which was created in 2001 the newspaper said Sunday.

An armed man identified as “Tzuriel” and called by his friends as the chief of the new outpost refused to answer questions on the matter from a Haaretz reporter who visited the area last Thursday.

Although the coordinator of government activities in the occupied territories claimed on Thursday that a stop-work order had been issued against the outpost and that construction at the site was halted a visit by Haaretz on the same day revealed that construction was ongoing.

The area in which construction is being carried out have expanded to an adjacent hilltop and included the deployment of a water pipe and a livestock pen.

More than a week ago the settlers at the outpost escorted by their armed chief started threatening Palestinian shepherds and preventing them from bringing their flocks to their regular grazing lands on the hilltop.

On September 27 shortly after the outpost was established armed elements of the Israeli civil administration demolished Palestinian crude homes belonging to the family of Ayoub and displaced the residents who have lived and worked as shepherds at the site for many years.

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