Tue 17-September-2024

Secrets of the Zionist massacre in Palestinian city of Safad

Monday 5-September-2016

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– Maariv newspaper uncovered the secrets of the Zionist massacre of Safad in 1948 including the Palmach forces’ massacre in nearby Ein al-Zeitun village. The Palmach shot dead 56 Palestinians after arresting and blindfolding them.

A Palmach leader expressed readiness to expose the secrets of what happened after about 7 decades of silence. According to Maariv the “black secrets” of Safad massacre are now uncovered by a leader Avinoam Hadash of the Palmach who is now 90 years old while all other Palmach leaders refused to pass their testimonies over the massacre.

The Maariv report also shows that 11000 Palestinians used to live in Safad which was considered a key city whose collapse would make all the surrounding Palestinian regions an easy prey for the Zionist gangs.

Yigal Allon was assigned commander of the Palmach in the operation of occupying Safad in 1948 and Ein al-Zeitun village which was one-kilometer away to the north of Safad was a main target in the operation.

Kill them All

“We had two heavy gun machines boxes of original ammunition and three missiles. We started firing the missiles and opened our machine guns which terrified the villagers and forced them to flee the village” said Allon.

He added that 56 Arabs were taken from the center of the village and after he had finished his breakfast (8 eggs that he took from an Arab house) an officer came running and asked him to rush to a mosque which was the headquarter of the Zionist forces.

Allon went on “I went to Moshe and asked him: ‘how are things going?’; he replied ‘we’ve repulsed the Lebanese attack and we don’t need prisoners any more. We have 56 Arab prisoners… kill them.’”

The prisoners were taken to Mount Canaan and most of them were murdered in a valley while they were handcuffed.

Silence is Complicity

The Israeli gangs committed many pogroms against unarmed Palestinians a fact that is proven by a number of narratives. However none of the human rights and international institutions has pursued Israel for such crimes.

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