Sat 21-September-2024

Statistics: Israel controls 85% of historical Palestine

Friday 12-May-2017

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) presented the most significant figures and historical data on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Nakba of Palestine which falls on 15 May. The report indicated in its outset that Israel controls more than 85% of the historical land of Palestine while the number of Palestinians doubled 9 times since the Nakba.

According to the report the number of Palestinians worldwide has reached about 12.70 million by the end of 2016 which means that the number of Palestinians in the world has multiplied by 9.1 times since the Nakba of 1948.

Statistical data show that the (internally displaced) Palestinian refugees within Palestine constituted 42% of its total population by the end of 2016. While the total number of Palestinian refugees worldwide registered with the UNRWA as of January 1 2015 was about 5.59 million.

The population density in Palestine at the end of the year 2016 was about 811 Pop. per km2 as the report shows. While in the West Bank the population density was 526 Pop. per km2.

Increased colonialism
The report points out that 48% of the area of the Israeli colonies and settlements are built on privately owned lands for Palestinians. The number of settlements and military bases at the end of 2015 in the West Bank was 413 of which 150 are settlements and 119 are outposts.

It also shows that Israel occupies more than 85% of the historical area of Palestine which is about 27000 km2 leaving only about 15% of the land area for the Palestinians who account for 48% of the total population in historical Palestine.

The report indicated that 40% of the area of the West Bank was transferred by the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) to (Israeli) state territories.

Water control
The Palestinian census report shows that the IOA controls more than 85% of the aquifers water and controls most of the renewable water resources in Palestine which amounts to about 750 million m3 annually.

“The Palestinians receive only about 110 million cubic meters of the available resources. The Palestinian share of the basins under the Oslo agreement is 118 million cubic meters. This was supposed to become 200 million cubic meters by the year 2000 if the interim agreements were implemented” the report said.

The Martyrs
According to the report the number of martyrs since the beginning of the second Intifada amounted to 10369 martyrs (during the period from 29/09/2000 until 31/12/2016). Noting that the year 2014 was the bloodiest year of all where 2240 Palestinians were killed including 2181 in the Gaza Strip; most of whom were killed during the aggression on the coastal enclave.

The Detainees
In regards to the Palestinian detainees the report is based on the data of the Palestinian Commission of Detainees and Ex-detainees’ Affairs.

The report indicates that the Israeli occupation forces have arrested about one million Palestinians since 1967 which affected all segments of the Palestinian society.

The report points out that about 210 Palestinian prisoners died in Israeli prisons since 1967 as a result of deliberate medical negligence or as a result of repression and torture.

Systematic Demolition
In regards to Jerusalem the Center highlighted the IOA policies and systematic demolitions against the Palestinians’ property. In the year 2016 the IOA demolished about 309 buildings including commercial industrial and agricultural constructions and issued about 227 demolition orders.

“Since the beginning of 2016 approximately 1023 houses and structures have been demolished and destroyed in various areas of the West Bank. In addition demolition orders have been issued for more than 657 houses and structures during 2016. The demolitions have resulted in the displacement of more than 1620 Palestinians half of whom are children.”

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