Sat 5-October-2024

Palestinian fishermen demand lifting naval blockade on Gaza

Wednesday 26-April-2017

The Palestinian Fishermen Syndicate in Gaza demanded on Wednesday expanding the fishing area approved by the Israeli occupation authorities in the Gaza Sea from 6 to 20 miles in accordance with the previous international agreements.

During a protest against the blockade Nizar Ayyash the head of the Syndicate called on the international community to pressure Israel to stop its practices against the Palestinian fishermen including arrests shootings and confiscation of their boats.

Ayyash said that the blockade which has been imposed on the Gaza Strip for 10 years affected the fishing profession which is a source of livelihood for 4000 fishermen who are breadwinners of more than 50000 people.

Dozens of fishermen participated in the protest at the Gaza seaport and raised banners calling for lifting the naval blockade on Gaza and expanding the fishing area.

The Israeli naval forces attack the Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip on a daily basis.

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