Fri 20-September-2024

Gaza civilians injured by Israelis facing risk of death amputations

Thursday 29-November-2018

An international medical aid group has warned that the vast number of Palestinian patients treated for gunshot wounds from months of border protests has overwhelmed Gaza’s already fragile healthcare system.

Doctors Without Borders known by its French initials MSF on Thursday said thousands of Palestinians injured by Israeli gunfire during the ongoing Great March of Return protests were at risk of infection and disability because Gaza could not treat them adequately.

In all some 6000 Palestinians were shot by Israeli forces during the demonstrations along the separation fence since March according to the besieged enclave’s health ministry.

Around 1000 of those have infections that could ultimately lead to amputations or even death.

MSF which has provided care for thousands of Palestinians since the protests began said most of those hurt by live fire were shot in the legs often resulting in open fractures prone to infection.

“This many patients would overstretch the best healthcare systems in the world. In Gaza it is a crushing blow” Marie-Elisabeth Ingres MSF’s chief for the Palestinian territories said in a statement.

The NGO called on Israel to allow those injured out of the blockaded strip for necessary treatment and for governments to offer their medical facilities for the wounded.

“The alternative – that thousands of patients will be left to deal with terrible injuries with many permanently disabled and dependent on their families – is unconscionable when adequate treatment is within the world’s grasp” it said.

Israel maintains a tight blockade on Gaza since the 11th year running turning the enclave into the world’s largest open air prison.

The border protests have been ongoing as Palestinians are calling for the refugees right to return to their former homes taken by Israel.

At least 235 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed since March 30 mostly by Israeli fire during border clashes but also by air and tank attacks.

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