Sat 18-May-2024

Gaza protests

Historic Gaza Global Day of Action Calls for immediate ceasefire and justice

Global Unity for Peace said on Sunday that over half a million united in a historic Gaza Global Day of Action protest in London on Saturday

Thousands rally in London, calling for ceasefire and expressing solidarity with Gaza

On Saturday, December 30, the Palestinian Forum in Britain organized a massive demonstration in front of the British government headquarters in London, demanding an immediate ceasefire and expressing solidarity with Gaza.

Several Palestinians injured in Gaza border protests

Several Palestinians were injured after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at pro-Aqsa protests along the Gaza eastern borders on Wednesday evening.

Palestinian citizens injured in IOF gunfire in eastern Gaza

A number of Palestinian citizens including three children were injured on Tuesday evening after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired live bullets and tear gas bombs at protesters east of the Gaza Strip.

IOF fires teargas bombs at Palestinian protestors east of Gaza

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired teargas bombs at Palestinian protesters east of Gaza City on Thursday afternoon.

Palestinian youths protest in Gaza against Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa

Hundreds of Palestinian youths gathered along the eastern Gaza borders on Wednesday chanting slogans that condemn the Israeli violations against Muslim worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Massive protests held across Gaza in solidarity with Al-Aqsa

Thousands of Palestinian protestors marched on Friday across the Gaza Strip in solidarity with Palestinian worshippers who were attacked by Israeli soldiers inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem.

Massive march in Gaza demands Schmale’s departure

Tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens on Monday participated in a march called for by the UNRW employees union in Gaza City to demand UNRWA operation director Matthias Schmale to step down.

IOF injures four Gazans in night protests

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Saturday night heavily opened fire at Palestinians protesting near the eastern border fence of the Gaza Strip injuring four of them.

B’Tselem: 21 Gaza protesters lost vision in one eye one loses both

The human rights group B’Tselem has reported that in the last two years at least 21 Palestinians lost their vision in one eye when Israeli forces violently quelled the March of Return rallies near the Gaza border fence.

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