Wed 3-July-2024

Indonesia cancels visas for Israelis following Gaza massacre

Wednesday 23-May-2018

Indonesia has cancelled visas issued to Israeli citizens and decided to ban Israelis from entering the country in response to Gaza incidents spokesman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emmanuel Nahshon said.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper the ban came into effect last week. Indonesia has also strongly condemned Israel’s brutal actions against Palestinians during recent border events in Gaza.

Nahshon said in press statements that Israel is currently trying to reverse Indonesia’s decision.

Israel has no formal diplomatic relations with Indonesia but the two countries maintain economic ties so Israelis can visit Indonesia using temporary tourist and business visas.

The Israeli occupation army on 14th May killed 65 Palestinians and injured 3244 while they were protesting peacefully near Gaza’s border fence with the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories.

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