Wed 18-September-2024

Hamas refuses to recognize recommendations of PNC meeting

Saturday 5-May-2018

Hamas on Friday said that it is making every possible effort along with other Palestinian factions to convene a real Palestinian National Council (PNC) that is based on national partnership to protect the Palestinian cause against external conspiracies.

Hamas described the PNC meeting held in Ramallah as “secessionist” adding that convening the PNC without national consensus violates all national agreements which stipulated the need to convene a new elected PNC that represents the Palestinian people and meets their aspirations. The latest of these agreements was the Beirut understandings in January 2017.

The Movement in a press statement announced that it would not not recognize the recommendations of the PNC and said that they are legally void.

Hamas stressed that convening the PNC without national consensus is aimed at separating the West Bank from the rest of the Palestinian territories and entrenching the internal division.

The Islamic Movement warned the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee against making decisions that go in line with the projects aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause like the deal of the century.

The statement accused the Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas of preventing the Palestinian people in the West Bank from protesting against the US embassy transfer to Occupied Jerusalem.

Hamas reiterated the call made by the head of the Movement’s Political Bureau Ismail Haneyya for new legislative and presidential elections and hailed the Palestinian masses taking part in the ongoing protests against the siege on Gaza and in demand of the Palestinian refugees’ right of return.

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