Fri 20-September-2024

Abu Aoun: PA’s systematic arrest of ex-detainees targets Hamas

Friday 23-March-2018

Senior Hamas official Nazih Abu Aoun has condemned the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) persistence in arresting citizens released from Israeli jails and university students as “illegal and part of a systematic targeting policy aimed at Hamas.”

In press remarks Abu Aoun said that the detention of ex-detainees and students by PA security forces in the West Bank is carried out almost on a daily basis and mainly aimed to weaken Hamas in the West Bank.

“The [Palestinian] Authority security services know for sure that the freed prisoners have stature in the hearts of the Palestinian people so they persist in persecuting them cutting off their salaries seizing their cash allocations and arresting them before launching a systematic smear campaign against them” the Hamas official stated.

He also denounced the Palestinian factions’ passive attitude towards the practices of the PA and its security agencies describing it as a shameful position.

He urged all factions to reconsider their position and swiftly intervene to save the Palestinian cause from those who seek to liquidate it.

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