Fri 20-September-2024

Ahrar Movement stages protest against Abbas’s decisions on Gaza

Thursday 22-March-2018

Al-Ahrar Movement in Palestine organized on Wednesday a march in protest at Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’s recent threats against Gaza.

The participants marched from al-Saraya junction to the headquarters of the Palestinian Legislative Council carrying placards condemning Abbas.

Some banners described Abbas as a “devil” and “not representing the Palestinians” and others read “Abbas’s sanctions and the occupation’s blockade are two sides of one conspiracy.”

Addressing the protesters secretary-general of Ahrar Khaled Abu Hilal called on the Palestinian factions and Hamas to put an end to the arbitrary actions of Abbas and take serious steps to stop what he described as “the farce.”

Abu Hilal urged the factions to clearly condemn Abbas’s threat to take further punitive measures against Gaza and to work on forming a national salvation government to save the Palestinian cause.

He stressed the need for Abbas to step down to prevent further deterioration of the Palestinian cause warning that “Abbas has become one of the channels used to pave the way for the [US-backed] deal of the century.”

For his part spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees Abu Mujahed strongly denounced Abbas’s intent to impose further sanctions on Gaza saying his decisions would only serve the Israeli occupation.

Abu Mujahed also highlighted the importance of organizing the major march of return to confront the dangers threatening the national cause.

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