Fri 20-September-2024

Barghouti: Israel’s closure of Nablus towns collective punishment

Friday 16-February-2018

General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative MP Mustafa al-Barghouti on Thursday said that the collective punishment policy pursued by the Israeli occupation against the residents of Hizma Sinjil and Beita towns in Nablus is a blatant violation of international humanitarian laws.

Al-Barghouti said in a press statement that closing all entrances to the three towns and imposing exorbitant fines on the citizens passing through the only exit left open in Sinjil town constitute a violation of the Palestinians’ right to free movement.

He added that the Israeli occupation is launching a series of frenzied campaigns against the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem the latest of which was the confiscation of large areas of privately-owned lands near Ramallah.

The Palestinian MP explained that the racist Israeli government seeks to consolidate its apartheid regime in the Palestinian territories through the settlement construction the separation wall and the land confiscation policy to thwart any possibility to establish an independent Palestinian state.

He affirmed that the Israeli occupation will not be deterred except by popular resistance and boycott campaigns calling for the decisions announced by the Palestinian Central Council in its last meeting to be brought into action.

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