Mon 16-September-2024

Hamas: PNC should make serious steps to thwart Israel-U.S. agendas

Monday 15-January-2018

In light of Trump’s provocative decision on Jerusalem the Palestinian reaction has to be as strong as the crime committed against Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause Hamas said on Sunday explaining the reasons for its decision to boycott the meetings of the Palestinian National Council (PNC).

“In response to this serious development of declaring Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation entity Hamas had aimed to mobilize all official and popular Palestinian Arab Islamic and international efforts to foil this conspiracy and to stop the American crimes against our people and holy places” said Hamas.

“The first and foremost political and national step is to invite the leadership of Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to devise a national plan to confront the Israeli Occupation and the decision of the U.S. administration” the statement read.

According to Hamas the national plan should be based on ending the Oslo Agreement due to its disastrous upshots and ceasing security collaboration and economic dependence.

The plan should also work to thwart the American decision expose the Israeli crimes and mobilize the Islamic and Arab support needed to bolster the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Gaza the West Bank and the diaspora Hamas added.

The movement also said the plan should boost the popular Intifada (uprising) and support the injured people the families of slain protesters and the detainees.

“Protecting the Palestinian national project is a national and collective mission which can only be achieved through political partnership clarity and consensus in taking decisive steps far from all kinds of monopolization and unilateral decision-making” Hamas further stated.

Hamas along with several NGOs and anti-occupation activists believe PNC’s recent meetings aim to search for alternative ways to recover the so called “ peace process” which will serve as a cover to the occupation to perpetrate more crimes against the Palestinian people and foil Palestinians’ dream to establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its undivided capital.

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