Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Thursday 28-February-2019

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Thursday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Over 27 Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site.

Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Wednesday 6-February-2019

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Wednesday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

The settlers attended sermons on the counterfeit history of the alleged temple mount.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site.

Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Sunday 21-October-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Sunday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours. Dozens more are expected to show up at the site in the next few hours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site.

Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Sunday 12-August-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Sunday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site.

Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Sunday 5-August-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Sunday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

36 Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

Dozens more are expected to show up at the site in the next few hours. The Muslim authorities and worshipers expressed concern that the mosque would be turned into a military barrack by the Israeli police and settlers.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site.

Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Thursday 2-August-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Thursday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Hordes of Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site.

Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Thursday 12-July-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Thursday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

170 Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours that lasted for four hours.

The break-in was carried out following calls launched by Israel’s alleged temple mount organizations to step up desecration visits at the site.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by heavily-armed Israeli police near the main entrances to the site. Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Sunday 3-June-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Sunday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

A horde of 50 Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours. Dozens more are expected to show up at the site in the next few hours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site.

Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform Ramadan prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Monday 7-May-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Monday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

A horde of 150 Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site. Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

According to the Islamic Awqaf Department Israeli cops closed off the Maghareba Gate following the break-in.

Israeli policemen also summoned the Muslim guard at al-Aqsa Mahdi al-Abassi to questioning at the Qishleh detention center in Jerusalem’s Old City.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Wednesday 2-May-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Wednesday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Hordes of Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

Dozens more are expected to show up at the site in the next few hours. The Muslim authorities and worshipers expressed concern that the mosque would be turned into a military barrack by the Israeli police and settlers.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site. Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Sunday 15-April-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Sunday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

A horde of Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

Dozens more are expected to show up at the site in the next few hours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site. Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Wednesday 11-April-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Wednesday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Hordes of Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours.

Dozens more are expected to show up at the site in the next few hours.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site. Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Sunday 4-February-2018

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed on Sunday morning Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—via the Maghareba Gate.

Hordes of Israeli settlers escorted by policemen broke into al-Aqsa Mosque as part of the morning break-in shift and carried out a round of sacrilegious tours. Dozens more are expected to show up at the site in the next few hours.

Israeli police troops have been stationed at the site since predawn time to protect the settlers.

The Muslim worshipers raised fears that the site would be turned into a military barrack after Israeli police troops intensified their presence at and around the site.

At the same time the peaceful Muslim worshipers have been subjected to tough crackdowns and restrictions by the Israeli police near the main entrances to the site. Several worshipers have been searched and dozens more have had their IDs seized while attempting to enter al-Aqsa to perform their daily prayers.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Sunday 2-July-2017

Hordes of Israeli settlers escorted by police troops stormed on Sunday holy al-Aqsa Mosque via the Maghareba Gate.

Shortly before the assault Israeli policemen unlocked the Maghareba Gate and cordoned off the plazas of al-Aqsa Mosque.

At the same time dozens of Muslim men and women from Occupied Jerusalem have been prevented by the Israeli forces from praying at the site.

The assault makes part of the morning break-in shift launched by Israeli fanatic settlers at 07:00 a.m. at holy al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam.

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Israeli settlers break into 3rd holiest site in Islam

Monday 2-January-2017

Hordes of Israeli settlers on Monday morning stormed the plazas of the holy al-Aqsa Mosque via the al-Maghareba Gate as part of the morning break-in shift.

Prior to the break-in Israeli occupation cops unlocked the al-Maghareba Gate and cordoned off the plazas of the al-Aqsa—the third holiest site in Islam.

Special police units and rapid intervention troops escorted the Israeli settlers all the way through the break-in.

Meanwhile the occupation police continue to ban a number of Muslim men and women living in Occupied Jerusalem from entering the site to perform their prayers in a flagrant violation of Muslims’ freedom of worship.

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