Fri 20-September-2024

The EU deplores the Israeli demolition of school in Masafer Yatta

Saturday 26-November-2022

The European Union deplored the demolition of the donor-funded Sfai school in Masafer Yatta in the occupied Palestinian territory by the Israeli occupation forces on Wednesday 23 November.

In a statement issued Friday evening the EU recalled that demolitions are illegal under international law and children’s right to education must be respected.

This unacceptable development comes while 1200 Palestinians in Masafer Yatta remain at risk of forced transfer following the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision in May and against the backdrop of an increasingly coercive and intimidating environment for the Palestinian residents of Masafer Yatta including the movement restrictions imposed on them teachers and humanitarian responders the statement reads.

The EU also called on Israel to halt all demolitions and evictions which will only increase the suffering of the Palestinian population and further escalate an already tense environment.

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