Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Bakirat: Israel bars Aqsa restoration works

Saturday 15-October-2022

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat head of the Aqsa Academy for Science and Heritage has accused the Israeli occupation state of deliberately preventing the Islamic Awqaf authorities in Jerusalem from carrying out reconstruction and restoration projects at the Aqsa Mosque.

“The occupation has been preventing restoration works at the Aqsa Mosque and undermining the reconstruction committee since its establishment while persisting in its underground diggings” Sheikh Bakirat said affirming that the occupation authority disrupted on purpose the efforts to repair the entire infrastructure of the Aqsa Mosque.

He warned that the occupation state seeks to strip the Islamic Awqaf Administration and its Reconstruction Committee of their powers to carry out projects at the Aqsa Mosque and enable the Israeli antiquities authority to control the Islamic holy site.

The Jerusalemite official condemned the Arab and Islamic governments for ignoring Occupied Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque stressing that their silence encouraged the occupation state to persist in and escalate its violations at the Aqsa Mosque.

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