Fri 11-October-2024

Expulsion of Bedouins constitutes grave escalation of ethnic cleansing

Wednesday 14-September-2022

The Islamic-Christian Committee in Support of Jerusalem and its Sanctuaries on Wednesday warned of the escalating forcible expulsion campaigns launched by the Israeli accupation authority (IOA) against Bedouin communities in the outskirts of Jerusalem.

In a press statement the Committee said that issuing expulsion notices against tens of Bedouin families constitutes a grave escalation of the Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of Palestinians from their lands and property.

“The increasing expulsion orders that coincide with the unprecedented land confiscation and home demolition campaigns against Palestinian lands and homes reflect the Israeli plans to expand its open war against Jerusalem” the Committee charged adding that such plans aim at Judaizing Jerusalem and obliterating its landmarks.

The Committee called on the international community and Palestinian organizations to take decisive measures in order to provide legal protection for Palestinian civilians and to work towards foiling the Israeli plans of forcible displacement of Palestinians.

Earlier on Tuesday the IOA issued expulsion orders against 15 Palestinian families from their homes located between the towns of Bir Nabala and Beit Hanina to the northwest of Occupied Jerusalem.

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