Sat 27-July-2024

Displacement policy

We Are Not Leaving: Gaza residents unite against forced displacement

"We are not leaving." With these simple words, Gaza residents summarize their stance as the Israeli occupation army renewed attempts to forcibly displace them from their city following thousands of massacres and horrific crimes over the past nine months.

Forced displacement, a tragedy chasing the Gazans across the war-torn Gaza Strip

Tens of thousands of Palestinians faced a new tragedy on Monday evening, after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) issued displacement orders for approximately half of Khan Yunis residents.

Impact of Israeli war on Gaza’s population distribution

Around 1.7 million Gazans have been internally displaced, more than half of whom are children, and they do not have access to sufficient water, food, fuel and medicine.

Euro-Med slams Israeli attacks on displaced civilians trying to reach homes

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has condemned the Israeli army for attacking thousands of displaced Palestinian citizens as they attempted recently to return to their homes in Gaza City and northern Gaza and killing a number of them.

UNRWA: Largest displacement of Palestinians since 1948

UNRWA has said that the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip resulted in the largest displacement of the Palestinian people since 1948.

GMO: Israel deliberately uses genocide and starvation to displace the Palestinian people

The Government Media Office (GMO) said, in a statement on Wednesday, that Israel is pursuing policies of genocide, starvation, and bombing homes and property on purpose to force the Palestinian people out of the Gaza Strip.

Hamas: Netanyahu’s talk about migration plan “ridiculous”

The Hamas Movement has described Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent talk about his work with other countries on carrying out a voluntary emigration plan for the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip as a “ridiculous plan.”

IOF forcibly displaces 20 families east of Nablus

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) forcibly displaced 20 Palestinian families in Khirbet Tana east of Nablus after demolishing their homes on Thursday morning.

Hamas: Israel’s displacement of Sob Laban family “ethnic cleansing”

The Hamas Movement has condemned the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for evicting the family of Sob Laban from its home in the Old City of Jerusalem and giving it to Jewish settlers describing the measure as an “escalation of the ethnic cleansing policy against the Palestinian people in the holy city.”

Settlers throw furniture of Sob Laban family out of its seized home

Two weeks after the Palestinian family of Sob Laban was displaced from its home in Aqabat al-Khalidiya neighborhood in the Old City of Jerusalem Jewish settlers embarked on Sunday morning on moving and throwing out the furniture belonging to the family into the street.

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